Can a Background Check Find Out if You Were Fired?


Background checks tend to be anxiety-inducing for many, and you may be wondering exactly what type of employment information is shown on your background check. If you have been fired from a previous job, you may be worried that this detail is included in your background check. Our article tells you more about the type of employment information included in a background check and whether or not your background check will show if you were fired.

What Is a Background Check?

A background check is an official check performed on your personal history and background. These types of checks are most commonly done as part of a pre-hiring screening, and your background check will show details about your previous addresses and employers. A background check report will also hold details about civil and criminal records that may be publicly accessible.

Many employers will conduct background checks as part of their due diligence in ensuring that job applicants are well-qualified, honest, and suited for the position they are applying for.

What Kind of Employment Information is Shown on a Background Check?

Your background check report will detail employment information such as previous workplaces, including their location and when you worked at certain employers. These details should coincide with the details you submitted with your resume or job application, as any discrepancies can cause a potential employer to question you or raise a red flag when it comes to hiring you.

Will My Background Check Show If I Am Fired?

Your background check report will show a list of your previous employers, details of when you worked at an employer, and potentially the contact information of that employer. How much information is shown depends on state disclosure laws, but, in general, your background check report will not show that you were fired.


However, this doesn’t mean that your new potential employer cannot find out that you were previously fired from a certain position.

How Can an Employer Find Out I Was Fired?

Your background check report might not show the details of how you left your previous jobs, but an employer can still find out whether or not you were fired from a certain position. If your employer reaches out to your previous workplaces or if they check your references, they may find out that you were fired.

It’s important to be accurate and honest on your job applications when asked why you left that position to avoid any potential issues where you are caught lying about your previous places of employment. In many cases, your potential new employer may be able to overlook being fired from a previous job as long as illegal or unsafe activities were not a factor in the firing.

Can I Keep Employment Information Off of My Background Check Report?

In general, you are not able to keep your previous employment information off of your background check report. This is because your previous employers are connected to your public record, and you cannot hide things from the public record except for a few limited circumstances. One of the only circumstances in which you may be able to keep this information off of your background check report is if you are a victim of stalking or harassment and need privacy.

How Can I See What Is On My Background Check Report?

If you want to see what is on your background check report, you can run a quick background check report on yourself by using free people search sites.


By inputting your name and location, you can review your own background report quickly and identify any information that may be incorrect or any potential red flags that an employer may question you about. Having this information on hand ahead of time can stop you from being caught off guard and can help you accurately prepare for an official background check.

Keeping Tabs on Your Employment History

While being fired is an unfortunate situation, most of the time, it is not the end of the world if you have been fired from a previous employer. While your background check report will likely not show at first glance if you have been fired, your potential employer may find out this information when they check your references or if they decide to contact your previous place of employment.

It is important to be honest on applications if you suspect your previous employment history will be scrutinized with a background check, and you will need to speak to a hiring manager if you have any concerns about your employment history.

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